Black helicopters belong to the media…

As you folks out there know; I’m not much of a media person: I don’t do TV, the news papers that Larry has delivered here go straight into the trash can when he’s not here and I find the radio to be, at best, annoying.

Well I stopped today and turned on CNN for a bit, just to make sure the world was still out there (and that I still found it, at best, annoying) and was simply shocked to see how popular my little neck of the woods has become.

In the 20 or so minutes I had the TV in the kitchen on whilst making dinner I heard about how great the snow is on Vail Mountain, how a local fireman and his to-be wife will be married in primetime and how they are the biggest thing since sliced cheese, an interview with Tom Hanks while he’s here at Beaver Creek, yet more about Kobe Bryant over in Eagle, and a story about the little debacle over at the Vail post office…

The thing at the Vail post office is actually kind of funny. See, a local group put recycling bins in the lobby over there and the junk mail people got all bent out of shape about it. Amazing how something so seemingly simple as a recycling bin in a post office lobby can turn into an issue of endless complication requiring a congressman to help straighten things out.

This became a “policy” issue recently when regional bureaucrats decided convenient recycling at the post office was all too messy and needed to be trashed. So the edict came down, and the bins were tossed.

Apparently the connection between recycling and junk mail was a mite close for comfort, though an awful lot of us would gladly sign up for the plan that sends junk mail automatically there and saves us and the Postal Service the trouble of sorting.

But all’s well now, thanks to U.S. Rep. Mark Udall having a chat or exchanging messages – presumably by mail – with the “everything must have a rule” group running the Postal Service.

Now they have a “pilot” program for similar bins across Colorado; maybe they’ll even win an award.


Maybe Santa Barbara could take it from here? We’re tired of being little California…