Getting down with the flatlanders…

Well, here I am down in Denver at Lyon and Wolf’s place. They came up to Château D’Isaster Tuesday night and then kidnapped me Wednesday afternoon and brought me down to “the big city”… They’re off at work so I’m doing what I can to help out and am cleaning the kitchen.

See, Wolf is almost a professional cook and as such she makes some positively delicious meals. The down side to all this wonderful feasting is the clean up afterwards, which so far has resulted in two loads in the dishwasher and about a half an hour of counter scrubbing and stove cleaning. Well, I had to do some minor repairs on the dishwasher too, but I’ve always been a fixit kind of person…

It’s no problem to do it really. I’d be doing about the same thing up in Avon and I feel it’s only right if I get to eat the good food, I should help clean up afterwards. Right?

So, with all of that out of the way, I have some time to sit and ponder the world. Right now I have “Dusty” the 24 year old Siamese sitting net to me, “Naga Neen” is perched next to my head on the back of the sofa-chair, and “Raya” the Greyhound (she’s really an ROV for a Chihuahua, but don’t tell her that) is snoozing at my feet. The only pets unaccounted for are Kaitlin’s rat and “Ashley – the brain dead kitty” who is another house cat… It’s going to take weeks to get all the pet hair out of my laptop. (chuckle)

Well, that and the only thing keeping me breathing is the allergy pill Lyon gave me this morning. See, I’m allergic to cats and the house here is full of them. I like cats well enough; I just find it hard to breathe around them. I got up this morning feeling like I had a hairball and my eyes were swelling shut… Yay fexofenadine. Dunno what it is, but it sure works.

Some of you might be wondering about the wisdom of taking an unknown pill for something. Well, wonder not; Lyon is a working physician’s assistant for Kaiser and is currently working on his LPN (licensed practical nurse), so I feel I can trust his judgment on medications… He’s been giving people drugs for years now. 😉

Well, the dishwasher just stopped, so I suppose I should go unload it then head for the shower.
