The weekend begins…

Well, here I am back down the mountain at Wolf and Lyon’s place for the weekend. I got a ride down from Vivian as she had to come done here for something anyways. I’ll be heading back up Tuesday as Larry needs me down here for some tech support things Tuesday… Namely the fact that he’s buying himself a new laptop and wants me there for technical things; like getting the CompUSA salesdrones so embroiled in a discussion of the merits and flaws of AMD vs. Intel that they leave him alone to make his own decisions. 😉

You know, it’s amazing how teenagers will get louder in direct proportion to the volume of something you’d really like to hear… As is evidenced by my attempting to listen to a piece of music and Kaitlin deciding that now is a good time to talk to a friend on the phone right next to me…

Anyways, there may be gaming tonight but definitely tomorrow as that is now the official “game day” around here. I’ll post the highlights here as I get them finished.

That is all…

Annie LennoxInto the West