We interrupt this interruption with an important interruption…

It’s probably a sign that I’m getting old, but the level of momentary interruption in today’s world is starting to wear on me…

Phone bleeping and blooping every few minutes with some alert, message, text, or call (did you know the warrantee on my 14 month old car is about to expire unless I call this random robot who left a voicemail!? Three times today!?). Texts get real bad when election season rolls around — like right now; once an hour some millionaire career politician I’ve never heard of (or care about) is begging for money in SMS form…

Email app popping up every 5 minutes with an alert about something. Don’t worry, it’s just another seven emails about cheap medication — three of which are bad asian translations and one is literally in Hangul… Or it’s an offer to join a webinar!!! for some app I’ve never heard of (or care about).

The non-stop alerts from Discord / Telegram / Skype / Slack / IM-app-of-the-week because no one can settle on one thing so everyone needs a dedicated machine just to run all of the required IM apps.

People in SL noticing I’m online and instantly IMing me to ask “What’s up?” — I dunno, you tell me. You’re the one who IM’d me out of the blue… And if I managed to bolt before they can finish typing, SL will happily forward that random ping to my email…

People at work just walking into the office and starting to talk at me — even though I have headphones on and a deep look of concentration because this code wont write itself. And once I’ve told them, again, to turn it off and back on again for the third time this week it takes a half an hour to get back into the groove… Too bad someone else will walk in and start taking in the next 29 minutes…

And the intrusive behavior-targeted tracker-based social-engineered pervasive advertising in EVERYTHING… Ugh.

I need a vacation from always-on, fully-dynamic, mesh-connected, interactive-groupware I think… Time to go be a hermit in a cave. 🙂